I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas! Love you all!
8 Things you didn't know!
8 Shows I Watch:
1. Jon and Kate Plus 8
2. Little People Big World
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. All things Food Network!
5. The Hills
6. Ghost Hunters...haha I love that show..
7. Property Virgins
8. America's Next Top Model
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Surin West- a Thai/Sushi restaurant in Bham
2. Carrabas
3. Felix's
4. Los Arcos/Alcupulcos
5. Bonefish
6. Beef O'Brady's
7. PF Changs
8. Hunan Wok
...Taco Bell is in their too! Mmmmmm....
8 Things that Happened to Me Today...(not much considering its 10:30 in the AM)
1. Woke up
2. Played with Lexie
3. Read the Newspaper
4. Ate some toast
5. Watched the Rachael Ray show
6. Wrapped one more present
7. Talked to Mom
8. Played on the computer
...all very productive things!!!
8 Things to Look Forward too!
1. Tomorrow!!
2. Seeing Thame on Friday!
4. Dave Matthews Concert in April (cause I will be going!)
5. Kendall turning 1!
7. Thame getting accepted to Med School (PLEASE!)
8. Hopefully moving home in the summer!!
8 Things I wish for:
1. a good experience with student teaching
2. to find a good teaching job
3. Thame getting accepted at South for Med School...well anywhere really at this point!
4. To move home!
5. All of my family and friends to stay safe and healthy!
6. a good economy!
7. to one day have a family of my own! (one day!)
8. a partidge in a pear tree!
Once again...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Why Won’t My USB Connect to My Laptop? Troubleshooting Guide
25 minutes ago
1 comment:
Hey that was the backgroud I was goning to pick next.
It's cute!
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