November 20, 2008

So tired!

Sorry for the lack of updates! It's the last few weeks of this semester...which means EVERYTHING is due. I didn't go to bed till 3:30 last night cause of a project that was due today...and I had to be up at 6:30. Let's just say that I definitely underestimated how long that would take...hopefully I did well. I had my last day at my school this past week. Believe it or not, I think I will actually miss those bad as they were! Here is a picture of my class!

Sorry it's a little blurry, but you get the idea! Can you pick out the trouble makers?? (you may be able to click on the picture to make it larger)

This weekend consists of homework and babysitting! Yay. I'm babysitting all day Saturday and Sunday...but I gotta be able to buy Christmas presents! Friday night i'm catching up with my old friends from Canterbury (my old job) so i'm really excited to see all of them!

I'm coming home next Tuesday for Thanksgiving and i'll be home till that Sunday. I'm so excited!!!! I have got to get my hair done like something is naasssssty! haha!

Enough rambling...not too much to say! I probably just bored you all :)

Have a great weekend! LOVE YOU!

November 12, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to MOM Happy Birthday to you!!!! Have a wonderful day! LOVE YOU!

On a side teeth are killing me!!!!! My bottom front teeth feel like i could just pull them out...literally! They are wiggling! If I lose my teeth I will freak out. I'm going to the dentist tomorrow so keep me in your thoughts! AH!!

November 08, 2008


I passed my comps!!!!!!!!!!! I can officially student teach now!!!!!!

November 01, 2008

Halloween ridiculousness...

Happy late Halloween everyone!! Thame and I had a great time...and we looked great too :)

Oh! I just wanted to let y'all know that if you want to comment on my blog than you can't respond to the email that gets sent out. That just tells you that my blog was updated, to comment you have to go to my actual blog page and hit comment on the blog and then you can either comment as annonymous and write your name in the message or get a google name and then comment. Just thought I would share cause my mom told me some were having difficulties! I would love to hear what y'all have to say!!!

Here are a few more pics to leave you with :)