Well...it's back to the real world for me! I have been super busy the past week since I started my nanny job and school stuff. Getting up at 5 every morning is getting a little better and is not as hard as I thought it was gonna be, but I would much rather be still asleep! Bayona is too cute and so much fun, but I feel like a soccer mom carpooling her around everywhere! At least she is somewhat easy to drag everywhere with me! She even cries when I drop her off at daycare and leave their house in the afternoon...I guess cause I keep her entertained? She's a cutie! Anyways, I had orientation this past week and learned a lot of overwhelming information, but i'm excited to begin student teaching. I start this Wednesday! I will let you know how my first day goes! I did talk to my cooperating teacher and she said that before Christmas break she had 14 students and that one moved away over the break...so I only have 13 students which is AMAZING!!!! Most schools have like 20-25 kids in each class! Anyway, things are good here and I hope everyone is doing wonderful!!
P.S. Leave me comments! I know y'all read this...so talk to me! :)
Why Won’t My USB Connect to My Laptop? Troubleshooting Guide
43 minutes ago
i always read but never post. yes, enjoy hearing your updates. hope you have a great week and GOOD kids! They will LOVE having a young pretty teacher! Expect them to fall in love with you.
I'm so proud of my baby. Now you kow what it is like to be a working mom, never a dull moment!
Hope your student teaching is going well! My mom used to have a student teacher every year when she taught 4th grade (she's a principal now). It's Heather, from 3 under 3, by the way. Not some random stalker!
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